Acupuncture is a process which stimulates points on the body using fine needles, finger or hand pressure to affect physical & mental health.
It is also useful for clearing up pain issues and for managing stress relief and chronic and acute conditions. Our skilled physiotherapists and myotherapists can identify where the knots
in the muscles are and use dry needling to compliment other manual treatment
to speed up your recovery.

Acupuncture is a tried & tested system of medicine.
Acupuncture can help with
if your physiotherapist believes it will help to improve the effectiveness of your overall treatment. Your treatment will consist of the insertion of fine needles into various sites on the
body, dependent on your issues.
Nam non luctus massa, id pulvinar sapienlorem ipsum dolro asit lorem ipsumulorem hendrornare mam non luctus massa, id pulvinar sapienlorem ipsum dolro asit lorem ipsumuisque blandit lorem hendrerit mi emattis eros.
The effects of acupuncture are
Acupuncture Benefits
Nam non luctus massa, id pulvinar sapienlorem ipsum dolro asit lorem ipsumulorem hendrornare mam nopsit lorem ipsumuisque blandit lorem hendrerit mi emattis eros.
- Natural anti inflammatories and painkillers
- Relaxation of tight muscles and trigger points
- Release of hormones that promote relaxation and stress reduction
- Stimulation of certain nerves that prevent pain signals being transmitted to the brain.